the scourge:
Arrival in Seattle. We actually took the brand new, as-of-yet-untainted, light rail from the airport all the way into downtown. It shares the bus tunnel at that point, where this photo was taken.
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Another view of the restored bus/light rail tunnel in the bowels of Seattle.
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Our abode whilst in Seattle - a cute 1 bedroom cottage, conveniently located a short bus ride away from the theatre. Thanks, John!
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A quick stop at Zeitgeist, one of the tastiest coffee shops in Seattle, upon our arrival. Hopefully, they'll have these cardboard sculptures up for a while for people to check out.
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The cardboard bride of the previous sculpture, on display at Zeitgeist. Also, an accurate portrayal of how we felt after landing in Seattle.
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The reunion of the motley crew!! Ren, who helped film select interviews and concert footage for the doc, just happened to be in town, so even more core crew (including Carlos, in the feathered cap) got to be in attendance together.
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Epic view from Carlos' abode.
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Kiyan, part of the aforementioned crew, enjoying the photographic works of Carlos Melgoza... while arranging a meeting with one of his ladies.
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Kiyan and Carlos, both deep in thought.
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Ren, most likely giving some constructive criticism of Carlos' works. Or, just figuring out what will be in store for us this evening, during his short visit.
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Kenneth and Kiyan - lovers, not fighters.
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The Lady, donning the stripes and overall prettiness, on the way to the film screening.
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Typical Seattle bus schedule - late. So, Kenneth and The Lady pose for a picture.
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The Lady, utilizing one of her many skills, as box office girl.
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Matt Cunningham, Tech Director the NW Film Forum. Thanks, Matt, for helping make the film sound and look great! And for firing up the popcorn popper, so people could try the scrumptious popcorn/nutritional yeast combo!
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First arrivals! Carlos, Ren, and Joel - who all worked on the film - made sure to get there early for prime seats!
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Alas, The Stranger never got back to us when we requested that they print the film in the "Film Events" of the week. We still packed the house!
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Carlos and Katrina, waiting patiently for the film to start.
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Kiyan made sure to make it to the front of the line. As a result, he and the fellow motley crew had seats front-row center, ideal for a doc with a lot of concert footage.
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Part of the line to get into the film.
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Glen, Christine, and Kiyan - all fans of this music, all satisfied with what they saw. Thanks for coming, guys!
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Faith and Aaron, making The Lady laugh with their comic stylings. I think they were making jokes about bad graphic design.
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Thanks for coming to support the film, Aaron and Faith - It was excellent to have you there!