DrSAT: Hannah along for the 10 km run
DrSAT: still snoozing
DrSAT: everyone wants to hold Hannah
DrSAT: Hannah and Grandma
DrSAT: Hannah and Aunty Sheryl
DrSAT: Hannah and Aunty Sheryl
DrSAT: big yawn
DrSAT: looking at the curls
DrSAT: waiting to meet Hannah
DrSAT: Grandma holds Hannah for the first time
DrSAT: holding Hannah for the first time
DrSAT: Grandma and Hannah
DrSAT: expanding family
DrSAT: sucking on her hand
DrSAT: squinting in the sun
DrSAT: Grandma and Hannah
DrSAT: Uncle Dave and Hannah
DrSAT: crazy fingernails
DrSAT: Dad's taking a break
DrSAT: Awesome shirt and bag
DrSAT: snoozing
DrSAT: long fingers
DrSAT: crinkly ears
DrSAT: Grandma and Hannah
DrSAT: label
DrSAT: Grandma and Hannah
DrSAT: looks like Mom did
DrSAT: Dad and Mom are looking a little tired, but Grandma is wide awake
DrSAT: not liking the nurse taking temperature
DrSAT: with doll from Aunty Brenda