the_real_dorito: The left over pieces (275/366)
the_real_dorito: Contemplating Schrödinger's premise (276/366)
the_real_dorito: Another item off my pandemic checklist (277/366)
the_real_dorito: Playing dead (278/366)
the_real_dorito: Bed time story (279/366)
the_real_dorito: Pretty close (280/366)
the_real_dorito: Boring human stuff😩 (281/366)
the_real_dorito: Mine (282/366)
the_real_dorito: The cat of wisdom (283/366)
the_real_dorito: Framed (284/366)
the_real_dorito: Translucent Slime (285/366)
the_real_dorito: Orange (286/366)
the_real_dorito: Grilled Cheese (287/366)
the_real_dorito: Pumpkin (288/366)
the_real_dorito: The empty box (289/366)
the_real_dorito: Candy corn (290/366)
the_real_dorito: Paid(291/366)
the_real_dorito: Ball of string (292/366)
the_real_dorito: Fanboy (293/366)
the_real_dorito: Extra Power (294/366)
the_real_dorito: Agitating (295/366)
the_real_dorito: Distracted driver (296/366)
the_real_dorito: Genius (297/366)
the_real_dorito: Looking up (298/366)
the_real_dorito: Pumpkin seeds (299/366)
the_real_dorito: Vote (300/366)
the_real_dorito: Mantelpiece (301/366)
the_real_dorito: Roxy (302/366)
the_real_dorito: Arts and crafts (303/366)
the_real_dorito: Pre-Halloween snow (304/366)