The Prop Factory: The bad witch bar from Wizard of OZ
The Prop Factory: Custom Made Tiki Hut Bar w/ bamboo and custom sign for mitzvah
The Prop Factory: Cool Custom Surf Board Sign for tiki bar
The Prop Factory: 6 ft Tiki Bar Custom w/ Bamboo and personalized surf board sign
The Prop Factory: Custom graphic bar design for sports themed mitzvah decor
The Prop Factory: Custom bar setup for event with graphic logo design
The Prop Factory: Full Cheers Bar w/ Sports Pennant flags and Custom Cheers Sign
The Prop Factory: Custom cheers signs and sports pennants
The Prop Factory: Modular Bar flanked by Glo Towers w/ Custom Lighting
The Prop Factory: Adult Sports bar with foam fingers and Turf walls
The Prop Factory: boston event sport bar custom station
The Prop Factory: 50's Diner bar with booth seating and custom event lighting
The Prop Factory: 50's Style Milk Bar
The Prop Factory: Custom Decaled modular bar for travel inspired event
The Prop Factory: event bar mitzvah boston
The Prop Factory: modular bar for events
The Prop Factory: Dungeons and Dragons Decals on modular bar
The Prop Factory: Custom Lighting over modular bar for mitzvah
The Prop Factory: Replica Green Monster Bar
The Prop Factory: Three Set modular bar for gaming party
The Prop Factory: Red Sox Green Monster bar
The Prop Factory: Custom modular bar with decals and special event lighting
The Prop Factory: 2021-08-29 22.13.17
The Prop Factory: 2021-08-29 22.13.16
The Prop Factory: 2021-08-29 22.13.15
The Prop Factory: 2019-06-22 23.00.04
The Prop Factory: 2019-06-21 16.26.10
The Prop Factory: 2019-06-21 16.25.11
The Prop Factory: 2019-04-06 17.04.11-1
The Prop Factory: 2019-03-30 18.04.57