the__photographer: sunburned hand of the man (Arthur Fest, 9/4/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: sunburned hand of the man (Arthur Fest, 9/4/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: pole (Arthur Fest, 9/4/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: pole (Arthur Fest, 9/4/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: lavender diamond (Arthur Fest, 9/4/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: earth (Arthur Fest, 9/5/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: growing (Arthur Fest, 9/5/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: spoon (Arthur Fest, 9/5/2005, los angeles)
the__photographer: Arthur Fest
the__photographer: Arthur Fest
the__photographer: Arthur Fest
the__photographer: Arthur Fest
the__photographer: Arthur Fest
the__photographer: Arthur Fest
the__photographer: Arthur Fest