the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: the approach to slab city. it was at least 110 degrees out here. you can see the distortion of the image from the heat.
the__photographer: this place is a decommissioned military base. I have no idea where the pine trees would be.
the__photographer: who knows what lies ahead...
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: the residents of slab city. misfits and outcasts that can't live in normal society.
the__photographer: this is a inhospitable place to live with no electricity, water, food. I feel I've just entered onto the set of a post-apocalyptic Mad Max/Road Warrior film--except this is real
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: slab city, ca
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain, shoes
the__photographer: salvation mountain, paul, shoes
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: I assume the straw prevents the water from evaporating
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain
the__photographer: salvation mountain