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Vast Meadows at Avalanche, The Nilgiris
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Grey Skies and Grey Lake - Avalanche, The Nilgiris
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Avalanche Mountains looming over lakeshore meadows
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Cottages near Forest Check Post Avalanche
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Peeping Tom - Old Faithful!
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Clouds over the Shola Grassland Mountains
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View of Avalanche mountain from the road
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Grasslands flora - Gnaphalium?
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Grasslands flora - Gnaphalium?
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Nilgiri Flycatcher ?
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Pacific Swallows
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An Eagle and A Crow in the distance
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Magpie Robin ??
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Grey Hare scampering away!
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Nilgiri Butterfly
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Nilgiri Butterfly
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Wild Dahlias
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Bushchat ?
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Giant Lobelia - Nilgiris
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Giant Lobelia - Nilgiris
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Verbena - Nilgiris
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Avalanche mountain and penstock of PH5
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Shy Nilgiri Langur
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Avalanche Trout Stream
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Avalanche Trout Stream
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Mist rolling over the mountains
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Mullimund Shola Forest and Grasslands
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Toda children at Mullimund
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Always on the phone - At Mullimund
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Mullimund grasslands