Back, and to the left: Overly complicated tourist photo no.1
Back, and to the left: Is that where they make brown sauce?
Back, and to the left: Democracy Village
Back, and to the left: Good morning, Eye.
Back, and to the left: National Gallery
Back, and to the left: Fit For A King
Back, and to the left: Deeply Dippy
Back, and to the left: Catch & release
Back, and to the left: St James's Park Pelicans
Back, and to the left: Well hellooooooo....
Back, and to the left: Wobbly handheld Horizon
Back, and to the left: Kensington Gardens IR
Back, and to the left: Deeper underground
Back, and to the left: Piccadilly Circus
Back, and to the left: Piccadilly brakedancer
Back, and to the left: lightblast
Back, and to the left: The Royal Albert Hall
Back, and to the left: The Long Water
Back, and to the left: Pigeonpool
Back, and to the left: mosaic/platform/motion