alyssa.watson: mr. piggy
alyssa.watson: Surrounded by her fantasy world
alyssa.watson: Surrounded by her fantasy world.
alyssa.watson: X is for Xenophobia
alyssa.watson: Up and away
alyssa.watson: And so, I'm alone in the dark
alyssa.watson: What am I, but a face?
alyssa.watson: His name is Prince.
alyssa.watson: And the air is thin.
alyssa.watson: Fall, fall, fall to the ground.
alyssa.watson: But then, you can never tell.
alyssa.watson: Eventually.
alyssa.watson: And then she.
alyssa.watson: It's a cacophony of lies, really.
alyssa.watson: I am somewhere.
alyssa.watson: Turn the music up; you're hearing more than sound.
alyssa.watson: Secret notes.
alyssa.watson: Trying to remember when it stopped being theory & turned into real life, because theory was a whole lot easier.
alyssa.watson: Why none of the usual rules apply.
alyssa.watson: Restless fits of not knowing.
alyssa.watson: Taking us far away.
alyssa.watson: Happy just because.
alyssa.watson: Being patient.
alyssa.watson: I imagined how I would escape if I was in a story.
alyssa.watson: Letters.letters.letters
alyssa.watson: The broken doll in everyone.
alyssa.watson: Convoluted dreams.
alyssa.watson: The wolf angel.