the_mog: DSCF0359
the_mog: DSCF0365
the_mog: any closer and you lose a finger!
the_mog: DSCF0058
the_mog: Whats that round thing??
the_mog: DSCF0116
the_mog: DSCF0122
the_mog: DSCF0119
the_mog: DSCF0123
the_mog: Owl
the_mog: HarrisHawk
the_mog: DSCF0959
the_mog: DSCF0955
the_mog: DSCF0891
the_mog: DSCF0884
the_mog: DSCF0876
the_mog: DSCF1183
the_mog: robin
the_mog: IMGP0097-2
the_mog: IMGP0081
the_mog: IMGP0110
the_mog: Golden Eagle
the_mog: IMGP0052
the_mog: DSCF1228
the_mog: IMG_9393
the_mog: DSCF1351
the_mog: _IGP0190
the_mog: _IGP0214
the_mog: _IGP0243
the_mog: _IGP0244