the_kegs: 0710082138.jpg
the_kegs: downsized_0703081906.jpg
the_kegs: 0708082150.jpg
the_kegs: downsized_0708082031a.jpg
the_kegs: Take me to the master...
the_kegs: 0707081807.jpg
the_kegs: downsized_0707082014.jpg
the_kegs: Good World
the_kegs: downsized_0707081354.jpg
the_kegs: 0703080817.jpg
the_kegs: downsized_0702081922.jpg
the_kegs: 0702080736.jpg
the_kegs: 0701080812.jpg
the_kegs: El Presidente..
the_kegs: Trouble..
the_kegs: Gush hour
the_kegs: 0620081309.jpg
the_kegs: Mealey's Tavern
the_kegs: 40 Foot Brewery
the_kegs: I want my baby backs..only better
the_kegs: Some like it hot, I like mine about 225-250 degrees
the_kegs: Big Terra Cotta Egg Kinda Thingy