The Hues: Nan (James Mum Rose) and Ivy her next door neighbour
The Hues: James at a railway station
The Hues: Dapper James - with mum and dad
The Hues: Family Christmas at Dom's mum's house
The Hues: Tomfoolery
The Hues: James' mum Rose on the garden - think Ivy's garden
The Hues: Rose and Paul Wedding - 30June1962
The Hues: Mum and Nan (Rosina and Rose)
The Hues: Grandad (little - George), Dad, Mum, Nan and Grandad (big Grandad Alf)
The Hues: James and Rose 2014 my lounge
The Hues: Dom and James - my lounge
The Hues: James and Dom Christmas dinner pre 2013
The Hues: James pre 2013
The Hues: James, Thomas, Mum (Rose)
The Hues: James pre 2013
The Hues: Rose (James Mum), James and cousin Paul
The Hues: James
The Hues: James' dad and my dad (Paul)
The Hues: In the garden at Nan's
The Hues: Karen, Graeme and James - ~ 1969 ish
The Hues: Grandad, Aunt Rose, Nanny, Uncle Jack
The Hues: 20240713_125153
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The Hues: 20240713_151629
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