the Halfwitboy: Isreal enjoying the snow
the Halfwitboy: Sandra catching snow
the Halfwitboy: JoeJoe:)
the Halfwitboy: Nathan distracted
the Halfwitboy: Nathan concentrating
the Halfwitboy: old habits
the Halfwitboy: Is there irony in taking a photo of a blind man?
the Halfwitboy: nom nom nom
the Halfwitboy: ice cream hello!
the Halfwitboy: ice cream day!
the Halfwitboy: Big Papa
the Halfwitboy: Nathan taking a photo of me while I was taking a photo of him
the Halfwitboy: Scott is cooler than you.
the Halfwitboy: Too cool for school
the Halfwitboy: Dan the man
the Halfwitboy: Anders being shy
the Halfwitboy: Innocent Smile
the Halfwitboy: Mr. Scott and the most magnificent goatee in the world.
the Halfwitboy: The Bluest Eyes In Texas
the Halfwitboy: Dwayne in the shade
the Halfwitboy: Geoffrey:)
the Halfwitboy: Michelle
the Halfwitboy: Blind Ambition
the Halfwitboy: Awaiting the call