The Guy With The Hat: "There You Are...
The Guy With The Hat: Love of the Game
The Guy With The Hat: Just An Average Bean
The Guy With The Hat: Well, This will be... Interesting
The Guy With The Hat: Food For Round
The Guy With The Hat: Just Chillin
The Guy With The Hat: Wait this doesn't look right...
The Guy With The Hat: "Hey, move over..."
The Guy With The Hat: "Curse You Country Roads"
The Guy With The Hat: A View, Without a Room
The Guy With The Hat: The Big Sleep
The Guy With The Hat: Just Desserts
The Guy With The Hat: Public Service Announcement
The Guy With The Hat: "Do You Think it's Safe Out There?"
The Guy With The Hat: "Isn't it supposed to be, yea know, bigger?"
The Guy With The Hat: And The Dark
The Guy With The Hat: Are We There Yet?
The Guy With The Hat: I May Fire When Ready
The Guy With The Hat: What To Read?
The Guy With The Hat: "Were Still Here?"
The Guy With The Hat: Light in Dark