the_frey: @charliebarnes live this weekend...
the_frey: End to a shitty week...
the_frey: Yeti Lane setting up...
the_frey: 3152 bricks of lust
the_frey: @trojanhorseuk sticker on t'laptop...
the_frey: Fuck yes he was
the_frey: Bye BBC...
the_frey: Tonight's viewing...
the_frey: Pitch side seats and seven goals... that was value for money!
the_frey: Dune/Peak District killing it...
the_frey: The tickets I found while moving house
the_frey: Last day in Northenden...
the_frey: So it begins... #duff
the_frey: Football time...
the_frey: Trail of Dead...
the_frey: Fuck!!
the_frey: Can you see what it is yet?
the_frey: @tallshipsmusic album has arrived... Speedy work from @bloodnbiscuits there!
the_frey: New BMS website mobile layout #excited
the_frey: Not a whole lot left now...
the_frey: Claw the Thin Ice...
the_frey: So awesome! #trailofdead
the_frey: Some very colourful Ninetails promos ready for posting....
the_frey: The new @ninetailsband is coming! Are you ready???
the_frey: CTTI.....
the_frey: EPs are here!!
the_frey: Make enough promos and you have to doodle in order to stay sane...
the_frey: Pre-Well Wisher
the_frey: The gap left by the BBC building is downright unsettling...