the_festivalists: Kino Sydney Logo
the_festivalists: Did we drink all this?
the_festivalists: Choose your Own Adventure Challenge!
the_festivalists: Kinophiles
the_festivalists: Kinophiles
the_festivalists: Carmel + Edgar
the_festivalists: Shane and Danielle present BAIT
the_festivalists: Danielle presents "Bait"
the_festivalists: Future filmmakers?
the_festivalists: MC Matt Riviera
the_festivalists: Liz + Christina
the_festivalists: Dan's "Strings Attached"
the_festivalists: Pulling titles out of a hat...
the_festivalists: Marianne is dressed by...
the_festivalists: In the dark
the_festivalists: Stragglers
the_festivalists: Caroline presents "Bond Girl"
the_festivalists: pre-screening drinks + food
the_festivalists: Caroline presents...
the_festivalists: Matt + Caroline
the_festivalists: Nick + Mischa
the_festivalists: Nick + Mischa
the_festivalists: Mischa presents...
the_festivalists: Martin + Guillaume
the_festivalists: Sean + Magali + Marie-Aimee