the_festivalists: session in progress
the_festivalists: queue getting into cinema
the_festivalists: Hancock lawyers slide
the_festivalists: Queue before the screening
the_festivalists: screening of Pride and Prejudice
the_festivalists: Information Desk
the_festivalists: our raffle board
the_festivalists: Vasey Housing Slide
the_festivalists: sponsors banners in cinema foyer
the_festivalists: Acting Workshop Group Shot
the_festivalists: Acting workshop session
the_festivalists: Acting workshop session
the_festivalists: acting workshop and filming
the_festivalists: crowd gathering in foyer of cinema
the_festivalists: film about to start
the_festivalists: Matt's intro
the_festivalists: Crowds at Dendy Opera Quays
the_festivalists: Canadian Consul General Richard Kohler
the_festivalists: Matt introducing a screening
the_festivalists: The Audience at Bon Cop Bad Cop
the_festivalists: The Candy Bar
the_festivalists: Matt is stressed out
the_festivalists: Jamina, Festival Co-ordinator
the_festivalists: Distinguished Sponsor
the_festivalists: Our info desk
the_festivalists: Our new venue
the_festivalists: Coming Soon: Clubland
the_festivalists: Coming Soon: Why We Fight
the_festivalists: Coming Soon: The Man From Hong Kong
the_festivalists: Coming Soon