The_Doodler: DC explains the plan
The_Doodler: One eyed jacks rick rolled
The_Doodler: Clockwork elvis
The_Doodler: Suspicious minds
The_Doodler: Elvis
The_Doodler: Clockwork elvis rick rolled
The_Doodler: Clockwork elvis
The_Doodler: Clockwork Elvis
The_Doodler: Clockwork Elvis
The_Doodler: Clockwork Elvis
The_Doodler: Clockwork Elvis
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100 - Sonic Mind Probe
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Professor Spackle McCrackle
The_Doodler: Time door
The_Doodler: Clockwork Elvis
The_Doodler: Clockwork Elvis
The_Doodler: Stresscat's Spawn at Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: The Ultimate Fan at Consortium of Genius: Lecture 100
The_Doodler: Karrie jamming with the COG
The_Doodler: Karrie & The COG
The_Doodler: Karrie, COG
The_Doodler: COG Cake