the_defiance: First beer!
the_defiance: Sockets
the_defiance: Magic carpet
the_defiance: Takeoff
the_defiance: In flight
the_defiance: Mountain range
the_defiance: Erosion
the_defiance: 20120819-_DSC1373
the_defiance: 20120819-_DSC1378
the_defiance: Misty mountains
the_defiance: Clouds
the_defiance: The shadows that clouds make
the_defiance: Golden edges
the_defiance: Sunset
the_defiance: Sunset (SOOC)
the_defiance: Welcome to Egypt
the_defiance: Giza Pyramids ->
the_defiance: The Pyramids
the_defiance: Pyramid of Khafre
the_defiance: Pyramid of Khafre (top)
the_defiance: Camel rides
the_defiance: Pyramid of Khafre
the_defiance: Cat and an exceptionally large hat.
the_defiance: In the perfumery
the_defiance: Lightshade
the_defiance: Papyrus work of art
the_defiance: Pyramids
the_defiance: Relaxing on the terrace
the_defiance: 20120820-_DSC1600
the_defiance: 20120820-_DSC1601