the_defiance: Racing sunset
the_defiance: Close encounters of the fireworks kind
the_defiance: Climax
the_defiance: Sunset on Guy Fawkes night
the_defiance: Comrades
the_defiance: Goodbye seems to be the hardest word
the_defiance: Watch how I soar
the_defiance: Nelsons Tree
the_defiance: Lone Rider
the_defiance: Tracks
the_defiance: Space invader !
the_defiance: Not Safe.
the_defiance: Natural History Museum
the_defiance: Dandelion clock
the_defiance: Plaça de la Sagrada Família
the_defiance: The Collserola Tower
the_defiance: Park on the mountain
the_defiance: Looking towards the sea from the roof of the cathedral
the_defiance: Winging our way
the_defiance: Roof of the Cathedral of Barcelona
the_defiance: Sunrise
the_defiance: Lounge
the_defiance: Earthed