the_babyladies: Windmill, frozen in time
the_babyladies: Winter windmill, Leiden, the Netherlands
the_babyladies: Tiny houses in Leiden, the Netherlands
the_babyladies: Molen de Valk windmill, Leiden, the Netherlands
the_babyladies: Molen De Valk sails
the_babyladies: Smokestack over Leiden
the_babyladies: Dome rising over a bridge on a winter's day in Leiden
the_babyladies: Evil joke in Leiden on a lovely door front
the_babyladies: Plaque marker in Leiden
the_babyladies: Smokestack over a wintery canalside row of houses
the_babyladies: The sun does shine
the_babyladies: Sun casting upon a brick structure in Leiden
the_babyladies: Down a side street in Leiden
the_babyladies: Anno 1559
the_babyladies: For whom the bell tolls?
the_babyladies: Window detail on the side of the bell tower of the Hooglandse Kerk, Leiden, the Netherlands
the_babyladies: The edge of the Hooglandse Kerk, Leiden, the Netherlands
the_babyladies: Towers rising from the Hooglandse Kerk, Leiden, the Netherlands
the_babyladies: Portrait in Leiden
the_babyladies: Leiden American Pilgrim Museum chandelier and fireplace
the_babyladies: Period recontruction at the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Two sections of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Table setting in the newly opened portion of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Detail of the fireplace in the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Main space of the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Table setting with tulips at the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Candle chandelier in the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
the_babyladies: Hooglandse Kerk rising into the heavens
the_babyladies: Charming (if more ostentatious) courtyard and garden
the_babyladies: Plain front house in Leiden