the_babyladies: Approaching the Tweede Kamer across the Plein of ice
the_babyladies: Tweede Kamer reaching into the winter sky
the_babyladies: Cafe Leopold
the_babyladies: Cycling on ice in the Plein, Den Haag
the_babyladies: Along the Korte Poten in Den Haag
the_babyladies: Tree of learning?
the_babyladies: Bibliotheek in Den Haag
the_babyladies: Abstract art, the Binnenhof, and a herring stand
the_babyladies: T.T.'s place
the_babyladies: Flags over the Hofvijver's frozen surface
the_babyladies: Across the Hofvijver
the_babyladies: Corner of the Hofvijver and the Binnenhof
the_babyladies: Along the Hofvijver and the Binnenhof in winter
the_babyladies: Statue of "Jantje" in Den Haag
the_babyladies: Statue of "Jantje" along the Hofvijver at the Binnenhof
the_babyladies: Birds in flight at the Hofvijver around the Binnenhof
the_babyladies: Filtered sunshine spotlighting ice at the Hofvijver at the Binnenhof
the_babyladies: Swan, ice, sun's reflection at the Hofvijver at the Binnenhof
the_babyladies: Windows on the world (or at least Den Haag)
the_babyladies: Winter in Den Haag
the_babyladies: Decorative piece along the roof
the_babyladies: Wethervane attempting to make something of the gray weather?
the_babyladies: Spire and sign of the modern Hague
the_babyladies: Statue near the Lange Voorhout Palace, Den Haag
the_babyladies: Tiny house in a row
the_babyladies: Lantern over the street
the_babyladies: Shutters on the windows
the_babyladies: Mr. Babyladies taking a stroll down a small street in Den Haag
the_babyladies: Down the canal, there's a bend