richardavis: Free Tibet Campaigners at St Pancras
richardavis: Free Tibet Torch Rally at St Pancras
richardavis: Free Tibet Torch Rally at St Pancras
richardavis: Free Tibet Torch Rally at St Pancras
richardavis: Anti-Chinese demonstration
richardavis: Dragon in Chinatown to celebrate the Olympic Rally
richardavis: Pro-Tibet Demonstrators amongst the Chinatown Crowd to see the Olympic Torch Procession
richardavis: Olympic torch procession into London's Chinatown
richardavis: The campaigners leave
richardavis: How to support Tibet when your hands are busy
richardavis: Amelle Berrabah (Sugarbabes) and the Olympic Torch
richardavis: Amelle Berrabah and the Olympic Torch
richardavis: Olympic Torch procession
richardavis: 'Flame Attendents'
richardavis: Police horsies in the snow
richardavis: Out for a nice ride in the snow
richardavis: Snowy cab in Oxford Street
richardavis: Some Chilly looking Cheerleaders in the snow on Oxford Street
richardavis: "I'd rather be at home with a warm cuppa!"
richardavis: Off to Chinatown
richardavis: Ello ello ello - I'm blooming freezing
richardavis: some cold looking police
richardavis: Awaiting the flame in Gerrard St
richardavis: Thai Dancers
richardavis: Thai Dancers
richardavis: Thai Dancers
richardavis: Thai Dancers
richardavis: Thai Dancers
richardavis: Thai Dancers
richardavis: Thai Dancers