the8rgrl: day41: studiously studying
the8rgrl: Day 74: Pale and wan, as befitting an English grad student
the8rgrl: day39: All these worthye scryptures.
the8rgrl: Day 47: Stairwell
the8rgrl: Day 56: feet, books
the8rgrl: day29: visions and revisions
the8rgrl: day26: Beware the Cat
the8rgrl: KILL ME NOW
the8rgrl: my self-imposed prison
the8rgrl: my big stack of gayness
the8rgrl: I am in need of more hours in the day:
the8rgrl: Day 70: Early, No Makeup, No Coffee
the8rgrl: English Tutors Desperately Needed!
the8rgrl: #18: postmodernism, here I come
the8rgrl: Kitteh thwarts my homework attempts.
the8rgrl: Homework
the8rgrl: Rasputin finds my research comfy.