the8rgrl: Day 1: They say who you kiss at midnight on New Years is who you will kiss all year long...
the8rgrl: Day 2: On my way to a funeral.
the8rgrl: Day 3: Toes should not be so carefree and uncovered on January.
the8rgrl: Day 4: The beige that has tormented me for a year and a half has finally been exorcised.
the8rgrl: Day 6: Studies against the endless swirl of the world.
the8rgrl: Day 5: A wintry read and clean white sheets.
the8rgrl: Day 8: The sun slunk low, nearing the horizon, and all the shadows stretched out, reaching for one another.
the8rgrl: Day 7: Collecting all the facets of myself.
the8rgrl: Day 9: Who doesn't like film noir?
the8rgrl: Day 10: News that sets your heart screaming like an alarm...
the8rgrl: Day 11: Things weigh heavily.
the8rgrl: Day 12: Enfolding myself into corners.
the8rgrl: Day 13: What lips my lips have kissed...
the8rgrl: Day 14: Taking of a toast and tea.
the8rgrl: Day 15: Staring up at the coldest of winter skies.
the8rgrl: Day 16: Fajitas in my near future.
the8rgrl: Day 17: Putting on my game face.
the8rgrl: Day 18: Tasty new toy.
the8rgrl: Day 19: A night in.
the8rgrl: Day 20: Hope
the8rgrl: Day 21: Do I dare?
the8rgrl: Day 22: Over there.
the8rgrl: Day 23: furious scribbles
the8rgrl: Day24: The one that's left.
the8rgrl: Day 25: Haunted by the scenes on a movie screen
the8rgrl: Day 27: "Time marches on, and sooner or later you see it's marching right across your face."
the8rgrl: day26: Beware the Cat
the8rgrl: day30: peering through the panes
the8rgrl: day29: visions and revisions
the8rgrl: day32: camouflage