The 2-Belo: The Incredible Mt. Daisen Inflatable Children-pooping Cow
The 2-Belo: ANA Hotel Yonago
The 2-Belo: Asian pears nom nom nom.
The 2-Belo: Darth Harrier, SUV of the Sith, pulled over while I photograph things
The 2-Belo: Rice field
The 2-Belo: Rows of rice fields
The 2-Belo: Rice shed
The 2-Belo: The spring onion lady
The 2-Belo: Rice field and community center
The 2-Belo: 大山のパノラマ
The 2-Belo: 大山
The 2-Belo: No. 79
The 2-Belo: Wild grain on Mt. Daisen
The 2-Belo: Wildlife protection area
The 2-Belo: 大山スキー場
The 2-Belo: 大山寺の販売店
The 2-Belo: 大山寺
The 2-Belo: Happy buddhas
The 2-Belo: 大山寺
The 2-Belo: Dude! Micro-tank!
The 2-Belo: 大山寺の販売店
The 2-Belo: 大山寺の廃墟
The 2-Belo: tunnel
The 2-Belo: Roadside buddha
The 2-Belo: 鳥取砂丘のパノラマ
The 2-Belo: 松江城
The 2-Belo: 松江城
The 2-Belo: Matsue Castle 松江城
The 2-Belo: Upturned boat
The 2-Belo: Korean ship garbage