the1secondfilm: Kiefer Sutherland donates $600.23 to produce The 1 Second Film
the1secondfilm: Kanye West producing The 1 Second Film
the1secondfilm: John C. Reilly becomes Associate Producer @ the Roller Derby
the1secondfilm: Tom Arnold becomes our Executive Producer
the1secondfilm: Samuel Jackson buys his daughter Zoe a Producer Credit :)
the1secondfilm: Andy Dick drove us to an ATM and donated $111.11
the1secondfilm: Spike Jonze donated $12 to become our Producer!
the1secondfilm: Stephen Colbert's Chin, Kent Alterman & Evelyn Mcgee
the1secondfilm: Tom Green and Adam L.
the1secondfilm: Meeting Tom Green
the1secondfilm: Andy Dick about to beat Tom Green
the1secondfilm: 1 degree to Kevin Bacon
the1secondfilm: Tom Arnold and Pierce Brosnan
the1secondfilm: Roland Emmerich
the1secondfilm: Roland Emmerich
the1secondfilm: Brett Ratner (Director of Rush Hour)
the1secondfilm: Albert Maysles (Director of Grey Gardens)
the1secondfilm: Selma Blair Helps Produce The 1 Second Film
the1secondfilm: Selma Blair Helps Produce The 1 Second Film
the1secondfilm: Seth Green Produces The 1 Second Film
the1secondfilm: Mark McKinney (Kids in the Hall) becomes our producer :)
the1secondfilm: Bruce LaBruce
the1secondfilm: Don McKellar
the1secondfilm: Robert Carradine
the1secondfilm: Alan Cumming
the1secondfilm: Alan Cumming becoming our Producer
the1secondfilm: Dr. Drew helps us buy paint :)
the1secondfilm: David LaChapelle
the1secondfilm: Pitching Pamela Anderson
the1secondfilm: Jay Leno