The Travelling Bum:
026/365 - New lens & old bear
The Travelling Bum:
003/365 - My new 70-300
The Travelling Bum:
Zenit EM & ES II
The Travelling Bum:
Zenit EM & ES I
The Travelling Bum:
163/365 - Gorilla Pod
The Travelling Bum:
177/365 - Quick Snap!
The Travelling Bum:
193/365 - My First Camera
The Travelling Bum:
302/365 - Go To The Mrror
The Travelling Bum:
310/365 - Crumpler
The Travelling Bum:
320/365- End Of The Shoot
The Travelling Bum:
363/365 - Logo
The Travelling Bum:
"Flash A-Ah"