Ken Schwarz: The first white wine of the trip
Ken Schwarz: On the house
Ken Schwarz: Dainty terrine
Ken Schwarz: IMG_3475
Ken Schwarz: Crème brûlée
Ken Schwarz: Fruit gazpacho
Ken Schwarz: Hey, that's my dessert!
Ken Schwarz: When in Rome?
Ken Schwarz: When in Rome?
Ken Schwarz: When in Rome?
Ken Schwarz: When in Rome?
Ken Schwarz: When in Rome?
Ken Schwarz: When in Rome?
Ken Schwarz: Thank God, more dessert!
Ken Schwarz: Honfleur architecture
Ken Schwarz: Eying the tourists
Ken Schwarz: The spirit of the day!
Ken Schwarz: Charming Honfleur side street
Ken Schwarz: Where didn't Satie live?
Ken Schwarz: Satie lived here, too.
Ken Schwarz: Satie lived here
Ken Schwarz: We brought home two jars of the stuff