Richard Baxter S:
a cricket chirped
Richard Baxter S:
meditation in explosion
Richard Baxter S:
melbourne central
Richard Baxter S:
the field
Richard Baxter S:
plane of the ecliptic
Richard Baxter S:
Richard Baxter S:
Richard Baxter S:
the magic close away tree
Richard Baxter S:
sarah and jason
Richard Baxter S:
new path
Richard Baxter S:
my bubbly three dimensional assistant
Richard Baxter S:
Richard Baxter S:
Richard Baxter S:
jen and alex
Richard Baxter S:
3D Porn
Richard Baxter S:
justine and steve
Richard Baxter S:
Stereo rig in stereo
Richard Baxter S:
levitate test
Richard Baxter S:
3D cirrus cloud from above
Richard Baxter S:
I don't post much here anymore, I know.
Richard Baxter S:
cirrus in stereo
Richard Baxter S:
bubble love boy flyover