the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Rocco's floor Quilt
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Stephen's Elephant floor quilt
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): One day I'll fly away...
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Heaven's above!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Copperwork - working weeping willow
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Copper tangle leg bird bath (2)
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Copper tangle leg bird bath
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): i wish i was a cat too!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): swirly copperwork close-up!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Oh dear! - I was let loose with some waste copper & oxy-acetylene cutting gear!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): What on earth am I up to now!?!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Quilt for new baby girl...
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): My Favourite bit of the quilt! (well it HAD to be a cake didnt it!)
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Beaker - a very fine cat indeed!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Do you mind?! - I'm sleeping!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Birth announcement!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Lisa's little bag of roses ~ baby shower gift
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Baby shower gift (sorry not a cake!)
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Home brewing vanilla essence! ... eek what did I do wrong?!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Let's try again!!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Stork ~ Delivered today!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Arh! - Beach art! (sorry its not a cake!)
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Wedding cake stand preparation
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 1: First decide the position of each cake...
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 2: Cut the fabric to approximate size
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 3: Cover the tubes in fabric ..
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 4: Remove double sided tape backing...
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 5: Stretch the fabric over the base
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 6: Attach the material with a staplegun ... whilst sitting in what looks like a rather uncomfortable position!
the-icing-on-the-cake. (Jo): Step 7: Trim off the excess fabric