the greenman: The Woodland Creature
the greenman: The three wise women
the greenman: Prep talk
the greenman: Woody, Loolie and Robin
the greenman: Loolie and Woody dance to Alice's song.
the greenman: Welcome. Good and Evil
the greenman: The extended family.
the greenman: Our magical gathering.
the greenman: God and Devil parents
the greenman: Spare the child and spoil the rod.
the greenman: Son, Devilfather and Dad
the greenman: The Devilfather's speach
the greenman: Kiss and make up
the greenman: The golden gnome
the greenman: Gestures continue.
the greenman: Pete and the gnome.
the greenman: Woody shows off some more
the greenman: When will it be over
the greenman: Laugh at the Fool
the greenman: Pete's view of things.
the greenman: Robert, Kai, Sohie and Aston
the greenman: More gesturing.
the greenman: The Vegetarians fight back.
the greenman: Nice fruit.
the greenman: The Tree.
the greenman: Trouble!
the greenman: Poses in the bracken
the greenman: Loolie poses