Amanda.Lee.: 174/365 stary fields of the night
Amanda.Lee.: 130/365 Say hello to my fishies!
Amanda.Lee.: 126/365 coming out clean
Amanda.Lee.: 121/365 Is summer here yet?
Amanda.Lee.: 117/365
Amanda.Lee.: 109/365 Iridescent
Amanda.Lee.: 101/365
Amanda.Lee.: 52/365
Amanda.Lee.: 49/365 listen my child to this story of dreams...
Amanda.Lee.: 35/365 Waiting for you
Amanda.Lee.: 20/365
Amanda.Lee.: 29/365
Amanda.Lee.: 44/365 sometimes the toughest road is the we gain from the most
Amanda.Lee.: 80/365 Tagged!
Amanda.Lee.: 96/365
Amanda.Lee.: 58/365 The Ragman
Amanda.Lee.: 21/365
Amanda.Lee.: 16/365 A dog named Buster Brown
Amanda.Lee.: 110/365
Amanda.Lee.: 45/365
Amanda.Lee.: 91/365
Amanda.Lee.: 134/365 Family
Amanda.Lee.: 161/365 leaving the earth
Amanda.Lee.: 183/365 A Change Inside
Amanda.Lee.: 88/365 minutes after midnight
Amanda.Lee.: 131/365 People are made soft, except for their bones
Amanda.Lee.: 194/365 Sunshine at your fingertips [Tagged]
Amanda.Lee.: 176/365 The caged bird
Amanda.Lee.: 200/365