hayley + thayer: Angela singing some Linda Ronstadt
hayley + thayer: Hayley singing some Bryan Adams
hayley + thayer: Hayley and Bryan Adams
hayley + thayer: Sam singing Pretenders
hayley + thayer: Sam singing Pretenders
hayley + thayer: Angela cutting in on Mike and Sara's dance
hayley + thayer: Angela and Sara dancing
hayley + thayer: Angela Sara dip
hayley + thayer: Lauren doing her Toupac rendition
hayley + thayer: Michelle and Monique join Lauren for Toupac
hayley + thayer: Michelle, Monique, Lauren, and the karaoke host
hayley + thayer: Michelle, Lauren, and Monique
hayley + thayer: Lauren, Monique, Michelle
hayley + thayer: Lauren, Monique, Michelle
hayley + thayer: Lauren, Monique, Michelle
hayley + thayer: Lauren, Monique, Michelle
hayley + thayer: Sam laughing at the Toupac debacle
hayley + thayer: Lauren gettin' down
hayley + thayer: Lauren laughing
hayley + thayer: Laughing Lauren and Monique
hayley + thayer: Mike got in on the Toupac
hayley + thayer: Mike cutting a rug
hayley + thayer: Mike getting a li'l crazy
hayley + thayer: Toupac crew
hayley + thayer: Hayley sings Georgia
hayley + thayer: Hayley sings Georgia
hayley + thayer: Hayley sings Georgia
hayley + thayer: Hayley sings Georgia
hayley + thayer: Hayley sings Georgia