hayley + thayer: the mount si hotel
hayley + thayer: ronnette's trestle
hayley + thayer: DSCN1088.jpg
hayley + thayer: view off the trestle
hayley + thayer: hayl and thayer on the trestle
hayley + thayer: DSCN1091.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1092.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1093.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1094.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1095.jpg
hayley + thayer: opening credits scene
hayley + thayer: DSCN1097.jpg
hayley + thayer: sunset on the packard sawmill
hayley + thayer: DSCN1099.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1100.jpg
hayley + thayer: twin peaks police station
hayley + thayer: DSCN1102.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1103.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1104.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1105.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1107.jpg
hayley + thayer: opening credits scene -lodge/waterfall
hayley + thayer: at the "double R diner"
hayley + thayer: Twede's Cafe
hayley + thayer: double R diner sign
hayley + thayer: DSCN1116.jpg
hayley + thayer: DSCN1118.jpg
hayley + thayer: mount si hotel