thatswherebatslive: Beachland Ballroom stage
thatswherebatslive: Silent Hill Motel luggage lamp
thatswherebatslive: Silent Hill Motel tarp lamps
thatswherebatslive: The way out
thatswherebatslive: Kevin in the van
thatswherebatslive: Kevin in the van
thatswherebatslive: My leg in the van
thatswherebatslive: Good bad
thatswherebatslive: Ohio Architecture
thatswherebatslive: Critical Life
thatswherebatslive: Dandy stache
thatswherebatslive: Seth's a hippie
thatswherebatslive: Jump in the trees
thatswherebatslive: Cleveland at night
thatswherebatslive: Dead Meadow live
thatswherebatslive: Mannequin Men in the Silent Hill Motel
thatswherebatslive: Falling down
thatswherebatslive: P1000467.JPG
thatswherebatslive: Mannequin Men frisbee fest
thatswherebatslive: Vote Torpedo