thatswherebatslive: Chips hand
thatswherebatslive: Cold duck
thatswherebatslive: Chicken guy conversation
thatswherebatslive: Rick Weed and a table full of booze
thatswherebatslive: On the prowl
thatswherebatslive: Nice carpet
thatswherebatslive: Pabst box head
thatswherebatslive: CJ making a point
thatswherebatslive: This tree
thatswherebatslive: Troma people marching out
thatswherebatslive: Room service
thatswherebatslive: These light things
thatswherebatslive: Keeping a journal
thatswherebatslive: Redneck horror fans
thatswherebatslive: Sparks smuggler
thatswherebatslive: Hotel lamp
thatswherebatslive: CJ and Leatherface
thatswherebatslive: We love Crank
thatswherebatslive: Stormy weather
thatswherebatslive: CJ looking like something
thatswherebatslive: This lamp
thatswherebatslive: Mirrored ceiling
thatswherebatslive: The guy from Napoleon Dynamite in Crank
thatswherebatslive: Rick Weed looking rather non-plussed
thatswherebatslive: Shakma: The DVD about a mean monkey
thatswherebatslive: Pointing at schwag
thatswherebatslive: Petty larceny
thatswherebatslive: Troma girl
thatswherebatslive: Deeply into Crank