jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Escalante
jessica.c.ure: Jon, walking in the perfect water
jessica.c.ure: Awesome overhangs
jessica.c.ure: Miss Maggie
jessica.c.ure: Jon looks at a plant, Brumby moves in for the kill
jessica.c.ure: Miss Maggie
jessica.c.ure: Jon and Brumby
jessica.c.ure: Jon, Harris Wash
jessica.c.ure: The best thing about Harris Wash.
jessica.c.ure: Jon, putting up with my incessant photos as we settle into our campsite.