that moment: Isabelle-Blais
that moment: Canadien
that moment: Jean-Pascal
that moment: René-Simard
that moment: Marie-Claude-Savard-et-Éric-Salvail
that moment: MATHIEU-DARCHE---HAL-GILL-Canadien
that moment: Joannie Rochette
that moment: Gregory Charles et Nicole Collet
that moment: Dan-Bigras
that moment: Alain-Lefevre
that moment: Pierre-Hébert
that moment: Danielle-Ouimet
that moment: Ricardo
that moment: Janine-Sutto
that moment: Janette-Bertrand
that moment: Virginie-Coossa
that moment: Guylaine Tremblay
that moment: Kim-Rusk
that moment: Jean-Francois-Mercier
that moment: Denis Bernard
that moment: Pierrette-Robitaille
that moment: Véronique-Le-Flaguais-et-Maxime-Le-Flaguais
that moment: Michel-Jasmin
that moment: Artistes
that moment: Marie-Lise-Pilote