that moment: Lucie Laurier
that moment: Izabelle Desjardins
that moment: Body Painting F1 style
that moment: F1 - Montreal Crescent Street - F1 Racing Mag
that moment: Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge & Mariloup Wolfe
that moment: Carey Price Canadien de Montreal - Go Habs Go
that moment: Véronique Cloutier & Louis Morissette
that moment: Carolyn Savage and me
that moment: Pénélope McQuade & Stéphane Rousseau & Maud St-germain
that moment: Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge & Mariloup Wolfe
that moment: Truck - Sport Compact and Modified Car
that moment: Car Indy Crescent Street Montreal
that moment: Equipe TVA Salut Bonjour Annick Dumontet
that moment: Red Bull Mobile DJ car
that moment: Penelope McQuade
that moment: Sport Compact and Modified Car
that moment: Body Painting
that moment: Girl of Ultimate Fighting
that moment: Penelope McQuade
that moment: Scott Foley - The Last Templar
that moment: Julie Snyder & Pierre Karl Péladeau
that moment: Suzanne Clement
that moment: Montreal Crescent Street
that moment: Jean-Francois Harrison Rose-Maite Erkoreka
that moment: Jessica Barker & Patricia Paquin
that moment: Sylvie Moreau Macha Limonchik Isabelle Brouillette Sandra Dumaresq
that moment: SPC 2008 model
that moment: Girl of Ultimate Fighting
that moment: Jack Daniel is waiting
that moment: Marilyse Bourke