that moment: marc labreche
that moment: luc guerin & catherine senart
that moment: bruno landry
that moment: benoit briere Marie-Therese Fortin pierre curzi
that moment: benoit briere Antoine Bertrand Fabien Dupuis
that moment: Sylvie Moreau Macha Limonchik Isabelle Brouillette Sandra Dumaresq
that moment: Suzanne Clement
that moment: Salome corbo
that moment: Raymond Bouchard
that moment: Michele-Barbara Pelletier
that moment: Melanie Maynard
that moment: Marilyse Bourke
that moment: Marie-Lise Pilote
that moment: Julie Deslauriers
that moment: Jean-Francois Harrison Rose-Maite Erkoreka
that moment: Helene Bourgeois-Leclerc
that moment: Eric Salvail