that moment: Lucie Laurier
that moment: Véronique Cloutier & Louis Morissette
that moment: Julie Snyder & Pierre Karl Péladeau
that moment: La foule - The crowd
that moment: Véronique Cloutier & Louis Morissette
that moment: Véronique Cloutier & Louis Morissette
that moment: Janine Sutto
that moment: Clodine Desrochers
that moment: Geneviève Brouillette
that moment: Geneviève Brouillette
that moment: Pour plus de femmes rondes a la tele
that moment: Marc Messier
that moment: Julien Poulin
that moment: Claire Lamarche
that moment: Normand Brathwaite & Marie-Claude Tétreault
that moment: Nathalie Mallette
that moment: François Massicotte
that moment: Eve-Marie Lortie
that moment: François Massicotte
that moment: François Massicotte, Gino Chouinard
that moment: Suzanne Clément
that moment: Patrick Huard + Émilie Malo & Pénélope McQuade
that moment: Patrick Huard & Pénélope McQuade
that moment: Patrick Huard
that moment: Pénélope McQuade & Lise Dion
that moment: Claude Legault
that moment: Pénélope McQuade & Stéphane Rousseau & Maud St-germain
that moment: Pénélope McQuade
that moment: Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge & Mariloup Wolfe
that moment: Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge & Mariloup Wolfe