that moment: Tv Van
that moment: Fan JAM 2008 Canadien
that moment: BYE BOSTON - Bye Bye Bruins
that moment: The CITY IS HOCKEY
that moment: LA VILLE EST HOCKEY
that moment: CUP head
that moment: Tv crew at work
that moment: Copper bike Habs way!
that moment: Youppi
that moment: BYE BOSTON - Bye Bye Bruins
that moment: Bruno heppel
that moment: Normand L'Amour
that moment: eye view of this gang
that moment: Dance - Danse
that moment: Big canon camera
that moment: GO HABS GO
that moment: Let's dance
that moment: Youppi dance
that moment: Look step one, then 2, 3 and go
that moment: Thank you
that moment: Molson Girl
that moment: Molson Girl
that moment: Big group
that moment: Youppi
that moment: Youppi
that moment: Youppi & Molson Girls
that moment: Youppi & Molson Girls
that moment: Youppi & weather