thatlunagirl: 1/1/14: found objects and odd days. happy new year!
thatlunagirl: 1/2/14: TACO NIGHT! it's been so long! I missed you, tacos!
thatlunagirl: 1/3/14: Sir Reginald Bun-Bun Wallace III really enjoys the bread at Outback. I ordered veggies in my pasta just for him but he already too full!
thatlunagirl: 1/4/14: Timmy the Pacific Northwest Tree Frog
thatlunagirl: 1/5/14: tans and creams and work things.
thatlunagirl: 1/6/14: a very nice man gave me a gift card to Starbucks while I was partaking in a free sample. thanks, random citizen. you made my day.
thatlunagirl: 1/7/14: you know where to find me / for no particular reason / to stop traffic behavior / or to get something off your chest
thatlunagirl: 1/8/14: The sun is out, the day is new / And everyone is waiting, waiting on you / And you've got time / And you've got time
thatlunagirl: 1/9/14: there has been much needed rain as of late.
thatlunagirl: 1/10/14: little king trashmouth
thatlunagirl: 1/11/14: And it doesn't seem fair / That your wicked words should work / In holding me down
thatlunagirl: 1/12/14: even after a long, frustrating day I can't shake the feeling that I actually like my job.
thatlunagirl: 1/13/14: laundry, pictures, birthday preparations.
thatlunagirl: 1/14/14: "Was I a windowpane, so easy to read, that even he, my arch-tormentor, would seek to comfort me?"
thatlunagirl: 1/15/14: new adventures to enjoy old favorites.
thatlunagirl: 1/16/14: beam me up.
thatlunagirl: 1/17/14: watch out, friends! there is a new creepy dolly in the house!
thatlunagirl: 1/18/14: wonderful birthday happenings! we celebrated my loves 32nd birthday with lots of good things.
thatlunagirl: 1/19/14: There's things I wish I knew / There's no thing I'd keep from you / It's a dark and shiny place / But with you my dear / I'm safe and we're a million miles away
thatlunagirl: 1/20/14: so Phil told me to transpose his face onto Ganesha's and this is the results. I think it is pretty awesome.
thatlunagirl: 1/21/14: Money, it's a gas / Grab that cash with both hands / And make a stash
thatlunagirl: 1/22/14: the silliest and most dour queens of France against a beautiful sky. thank you for the lovely postcard, Hillary!
thatlunagirl: 1/23/14: little moments of green happiness.
thatlunagirl: 1/24/14: kart things.
thatlunagirl: 1/25/14: I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets / looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets