thatlunagirl: looking for direction
thatlunagirl: brown eyed girl
thatlunagirl: nearsighted
thatlunagirl: in transition
thatlunagirl: night owl
thatlunagirl: oregonian
thatlunagirl: sunworshipper
thatlunagirl: passenger.
thatlunagirl: child at heart
thatlunagirl: job hunter
thatlunagirl: we're showing off our teeth
thatlunagirl: with the love of my life
thatlunagirl: those left behind
thatlunagirl: through my eyes
thatlunagirl: TURKEY GOOD.
thatlunagirl: as a totoro
thatlunagirl: lazy day
thatlunagirl: feeling fatter than usual
thatlunagirl: "sisters forever"
thatlunagirl: in limbo
thatlunagirl: ready for fall
thatlunagirl: getting used to a new routine
thatlunagirl: tired.
thatlunagirl: my hairs are so long!
thatlunagirl: elastic mouth
thatlunagirl: at the bakery
thatlunagirl: the last day
thatlunagirl: from here to there