thatgirl: Ed near Centre Pompidou
thatgirl: Bastille market
thatgirl: Forlorn and homeless at Ed on Parmentier
thatgirl: Franprix, just before they close
thatgirl: 170110:Bastille Market
thatgirl: Market at Place Richelme
thatgirl: Belleville market
thatgirl: Supermarket in the Bronx
thatgirl: Belleville market
thatgirl: Bastille market
thatgirl: E.Leclerc
thatgirl: Ed in Belleville
thatgirl: Belleville Market
thatgirl: Supermarche Wing Seng
thatgirl: Nos aubergines
thatgirl: Barbès
thatgirl: in Lidl
thatgirl: in Lidl
thatgirl: in a Franprix near Nation
thatgirl: 180610:Monoprix on Boul St Michel
thatgirl: Only three left