that blonde girl: Doctor Chloe is in
that blonde girl: breakfast
that blonde girl: 3/4 of the Cauley family
that blonde girl: "What sound does the cow make?"
that blonde girl: "take a picture of the cow! the cow!"
that blonde girl: pantless scarecrow watching
that blonde girl: this 2 year old knows all the letters in her name
that blonde girl: sheep watching
that blonde girl: sheep watching
that blonde girl: Wonder Woman helped us buy yarn
that blonde girl: Maryland Renaissance Festival
that blonde girl: Maryland Renaissance Festival
that blonde girl: Maryland Renaissance Festival
that blonde girl: Maryland Renaissance Festival
that blonde girl: Maryland Renaissance Festival
that blonde girl: Maryland Renaissance Festival
that blonde girl: reading with Nonna
that blonde girl: reading with Nonna
that blonde girl: books, I can do
that blonde girl: tired Cauley family
that blonde girl: not sure about Grandpa
that blonde girl: all babies all the time
that blonde girl: Gismondis: The Next Generation
that blonde girl: things Chloe likes:
that blonde girl: hanging out with Pop-pop
that blonde girl: Thanksgiving 2012