that blonde girl: lazygamer
that blonde girl: the ratbag
that blonde girl: e.parsley
that blonde girl: the gannet
that blonde girl: evilstevie in his fashionable chapeau
that blonde girl: I made a Thing
that blonde girl: my sister loves her hat and mittens
that blonde girl: Dad in his hatty
that blonde girl: mitts? gloves? wristwarmers?
that blonde girl: I made her a bear, too.
that blonde girl: Joe in his aviator/victorian scarf
that blonde girl: if I only had an axe
that blonde girl: it's done!
that blonde girl: close up of the pattern
that blonde girl: the boyfriend
that blonde girl: finished!
that blonde girl: sweater is finished
that blonde girl: Mom's clapotis
that blonde girl: finished Orangina
that blonde girl: finished socks
that blonde girl: me and my new socks
that blonde girl: Jaywalkers
that blonde girl: scarf and tea
that blonde girl: new scarf