that blonde girl: lost duckling
that blonde girl: ducklings!
that blonde girl: baby frogs
that blonde girl: campus wildlife
that blonde girl: feeding the birds
that blonde girl: columbus zoo
that blonde girl: mama camel and baby
that blonde girl: between heaven and earth
that blonde girl: baby giraffe
that blonde girl: ACTION DUCKS!
that blonde girl: that's snow duck!
that blonde girl: I have a theory:
that blonde girl: ducklings!
that blonde girl: gorilla meets lady
that blonde girl: komodo dragon
that blonde girl: kangaroo mobs
that blonde girl: rabbit by a trashcan
that blonde girl: penguins, of course
that blonde girl: red pandas
that blonde girl: goaty goat
that blonde girl: ryan pets a goat
that blonde girl: baby and mama elephant
that blonde girl: another shot of the goat