that blonde girl: slightly less than 3 bags full
that blonde girl: antique sock machine
that blonde girl: antique sock machine
that blonde girl: Dad testing out a wheel
that blonde girl: baby alpacas
that blonde girl: in line for food
that blonde girl: amazing drop spindles
that blonde girl: Ravelry meetup
that blonde girl: sheep in the process of being shorn
that blonde girl: at dinner
that blonde girl: Ashley's bag has a surprised!
that blonde girl: oh Little Birds
that blonde girl: (YIP 5.03.09) ribbon chips
that blonde girl: funnel cake
that blonde girl: goodbye, sweet sweet yarn
that blonde girl: JulieFrick
that blonde girl: old timey band
that blonde girl: Archive 52:18
that blonde girl: "HI LITTLE BABY SHEEP!"
that blonde girl: Uncle Joe take a picture of my flower!